The Pros and Cons of a Two vs Three Roller Grain Mill for Homebrewing

Throughout the course of your homebrewing career, you may find that you pass through several phases of brewing process, complexity, and equipment. As batch sizes and brewing process complexity increases, homebrewers start to need to purchase new equipment. If you’re in this situation, you might want to check out our guide to the best homebrewing equipment upgrades! In this article, we’ll focus on the pros and cons of choosing a two vs three roller grain mill for homebrewing.

While you can usually purchase your grains pre-milled by your local homebrew supply shop or an online homebrew supply store like MoreBeer, a grain mill is a solid investment for an advanced homebrewer who wants more control over their grain bills, grain crush, and brewing schedule. Before you can pick a specific model, you will have to decide on whether you want to purchase a two vs three roller grain mill.

There are a ton of great grain mills on the market (click here to check out our guide to the best grain mills for homebrewing), and one of the biggest differences between the various available grain mills is the number of rollers. Most homebrewing-level grain mills have either two or three rollers. Most three roller mills first pull the grain through a fixed-width gap that helps to separate the hull intact. Then they pull the grain through the adjustable gap to crush it. This helps keep a good bed of hulls in your grist. This bed of hulls filters the mash and helps avoid stuck mashes and stuck sparges.

Two and three roller mills each have their own pros and cons that should be considered when deciding which is the right grain mill for you. Need some help deciding? Here is an overview of the pros and cons of a two vs three roller grain mill for homebrewing!

Pros and Cons of Two Roller Grain Mills

Pros of Two Roller Grain Mills

Cons of Two Roller Grain Mills

Pros and Cons of Three Roller Grain Mills

Pros of Three Roller Grain Mills

Cons of Three Roller Grain Mills

The Pros and Cons of Two vs Three Roller Grain Mills for Homebrewing Infographic

Infographic showing the  Pros and Cons of a Two vs Three Roller Grain Mills for Homebrewing

What is the better choice between a two vs three roller grain mill?

Ultimately, three roller grain mills are easier to use and are more efficient than two roller grain mills. However, the additional cost may not be worth it for the average homebrewer. We use a three roller grain mill here at BrewTogether HQ. We have been very happy with it, but there are some great two roller options that would work just as well.

Which grain mill should I buy?

Now that we’ve discussed the pros and cons of two vs three roller grain mills, it’s time to choose the right mill for you! Click here to check out our guide to the best grain mills for homebrewing to get started!

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